Pseudo-Separable L-Convex Minimization

For a finite set V={1,2,...,n} and a family of univariate discrete convex functions f_ij and f_i indexed by ijV and iV, the function defined by

def-lseparable def-pluslseparable

is an L-convex function [1,2].

Here we consider the following L-convex functions:

This web application minimizes f(x) using ODICON.

[1] K. Murota (2001): "Discrete Convex Analysis---An Introduction (in Japanese)," Kyoritsu Publishing Company, Tokyo. Section 4.3.

[2] K. Murota (2003): "Discrete Convex Analysis," SIAM. Section 6.3.

Satoko Moriguchi(satoko(a)aiit.ac.jp) Replace '(a)' with '@'
modified on 5/4 0:05, 2012